Sunday 5 October 2014

Endangered Species



White Tiger

          The White Tiger is a variation of the Bengal Tiger. Usually, White Tigers occasionally have normal orange tigers in the same litter. They. A white tiger occurs in a litter when both parents have some gene of white colouring. This happens in 1 in 10 000 tigers.
                                                  I  have chosen these two animals.

White Tiger

Giant Panda

Side View of White Tiger

Favorite Picture



White Tiger


 The white tiger is a very close sibling to the Bengal Tiger, in fact, sometimes they can even be found in the same litter. White tigers are bigger and grow faster than normal Bengal Tigers. Male white tigers can weigh about 200-230 kg. White tigers in captivity are not pure white tigers, they are just Bengal Tigers that have been bred with a white tiger. Pure White tigers are extremely rare and can only be found in the wild. There are said to be about several hundred white tigers in the world with about 100 in India. White tigers are not considered a subspecies of the tiger. They are considered a hybrid mutant of an existing tiger species. White tigers that are bred outside of  India have a lot of genetic defects such as cross eyed, fore legs, club foot, kidney problems, crooked backbone and twisted neck.


           The Giant Panda is called a giant panda instead of just a panda because it is used to distinguish it from the red panda. The Giant panda has a black and white coat. It is commonly known as one of the emblems of china.

Giant  Panda

Favorite  Picture
Side view of Giant Panda


Giant Panda

        The Giant Panda is part of the bear family. It also has the second longest tail in the bear family, next to the sloth it is 10-15 cm long . Male giant pandas weigh approximately 350 lbs. while females can weigh as little as 165 lbs. or as much as 276 lbs. The main diet of  the Giant Panda is 99% bamboo. The Giant Panda has black fur on it's ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, arms, shoulders. The rest of the bear is all white. There are about 240 panda's in captivity and about 1600 pandas in the wild. Giant Pandas are terrestrial animals that like  roaming  around and feeding.  Giant  panda's are usually friendly, but have been known to attack humans sometimes.



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